Jesus had strong words for those who misused and mistreated children. The PCC of All Saints' affirms the principles of the House of Bishops’ Policy for Safeguarding (contained in Promoting a Safer Church) and is committed to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of children, young people and all vulnerable people in its care.
You can download and view our safeguarding policy below.
If you have a safeguarding concern, then please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Ann Scrine. She may be contacted by email. Or contact the Rector on 0116 287 1604. If you wish to speak to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, or to someone outside the church, their contact details are available here.
The NSPCC has created a new webpage with information and advice for parents or carers who are worried a child or young person may be struggling with their mental health or has anxiety about coronavirus. The webpage includes information on: talking about feelings and worries; keeping in touch and balancing screen time; ways to create structure and routine; and helping to give children a sense of control. Read the information and advice: Talking to a child worried about coronavirus (COVID-19).
Domestic Abuse: We know that for those experiencing domestic abuse, self isolating at home presents additional dangers. Women’s Aid have provided some specific safety advice.
But if you have concerns about the immediate safety of someone please don’t delay in ringing the Police on 999 or Children or Adult Services:
Leicestershire Children’s Service (incl. out of hours) – 0116 305 0005
Leicestershire Adult Services (daytime) – 0116 305 0004
Our Children’s Advocate whom children, youth workers and volunteers may talk to if they wish about any concerns is Judy Rowe. She may be contacted at: 58a Main Street, Newtown Linford LE6 0AD. Tel: 01530 243989 or Email.
Safe Spaces – A service for victims and survivors of church-related abuse
Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service for anyone who has experienced abuse in relation to the Church of England, the Church in Wales, or the Catholic Church of England and Wales. This could be abuse by someone who holds any role in the church or is linked to participating in a church-led activity or group.
If you have been affected, however long ago, Safe Spaces can provide you with support. You do not have need to have told the police or the church authorities, and you do not have to still be involved with the church. Your information will not be shared without your consent, unless you or someone else is in immediate danger. Safe Spaces can provide a range of help, including advocating with authorities and other agencies, giving emotional support, providing information (including information on church and police procedures), understanding your needs and working together on individual support plans.
Tel: 0300 303 1056 (answerphone available outside of opening times)
Email: safespaces@victimsupport.org.uk
LiveChat - via the Safe Spaces website